Chers membres, amis et alliés, En date du 9 juin 2015, Helem Montréal a publié un communiqué concernant les concerts du chanteur libanais Mohamad Eskandar au Canada. Helem a exprimé sa volonté de protester devant les restaurants où ces spectacles allaient avoir lieu s’ils n’étaient pas annulés. Le bureau juridique de Helem Montréal a maintenu les discussions en tout temps avec les trois restaurants concernés. Finalement, le jeudi 11 juin 2015, nous avons conclu une entente avec M. Ali Dia, le promoteur en charge de ces spectacles au Canada, nous confirmant par écrit que M. Eskandar ne chanterait pas les deux chansons à contenu homophobe et dénigrant pour les femmes. NOUS ANNULONS DONC TOUT APPEL À MANIFESTER DEVANT LES RESTAURANTS EN QUESTION. SVP voir les documents joints. Merci de votre collaboration,
HELEM Montréal Lebanese Protection for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Individuals | 514-806-LGBT Comptoir St-André, CP 32108, H2L 4Y5, Montréal, QC
Montreal on June 12, 2015
Canada is a country built on tolerance, acceptance of the other, peaceful rapport, and respect of the law. It has welcomed immigrants from all over the world and offered them all a safe home. It is an example for peaceful coexistence, respect for minorities, and is a beacon for human rights.
Mr. Mohamad Eskandar has three scheduled concerts in Canada to be held at Ambrosia Restaurant (5835 Dixie Rd, Mississauga) on June 12, Al Balad Restaurant (1205 Boulevard Cure-Labelle, Laval) on June 13, and El Mazaj Restaurant (5307 Canotek Rd, Ottawa) on June 14, 2015. Mr. Ali Dia is the sponsor of Mr. Eskandar and promoter of the three scheduled events.
HELEM Montreal issues this statement to inform the public that it has reached an agreement with Mr. Dia who committed to the following (signed commitment enclosed):
1) Mr. Eskandar will respect Canadian laws and values, and refrain from a discourse, speech or performing songs that promote hate, intolerance, discrimination, or incitement to violence against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, or Queer individuals.
2) Mr. Eskandar will respect Canadian laws and values, and refrain from a discourse that promotes discrimination against, segregation of, or denigrate women.
3) Mr. Eskandar will not sing the song “Ded El Enf” at any of the three scheduled events.
4) Mr. Eskandar will not sing the song “Joumhouriyet Albi” at any of the three scheduled events.
HELEM Montreal entered into this commitment with Mr. Ali Dia as sponsor of Mr. Eskandar and promoter of his events in good faith on the assurances that its provisions would be fully respected in substance and in spirit. In light of the commitment reached with Mr. Dia, HELEM Montreal will cancel its planned protests at all three venues.
HELEM Montreal would like to take this opportunity to thank its supporters. In the last few days, we received unparalleled support and assistance from politicians, NGOs, activists, media, and the Canadian public. We would like specifically to mention the unequivocal support of Federal MP Hélène Laverdière (NDP) who raised the issue directly with the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Chris Alexander during question period in the House of Commons on June 10, 2015 . We also would like to thank Mr. Jeremy Dias, the Executive Director of the Canadian Centre for Gender & Sexual Diversity in Ottawa for his support.
Thank you for helping us defend LGBT and women rights, and ensuring Canada remains free from hate speech, discrimination, and homophobia.
Rémy Nassar President – HELEM Montreal, Canada 514-831-7369; HELEM Montreal is a Canadian LGBT, non-governmental, not-for-profit organization registered in Quebec since 2004. HELEM leads a peaceful advocacy movement for the liberation of the Lebanese and Middle-Eastern LGBT community from all sorts of legal, social and cultural discrimination.