Message à l'occasion de la Journée des droits humains

Envoyé par Rainbow Railroad / via ALGI en date du 10 décembre 2020 à 17h33
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Rainbow Railroad est une organisation à but non lucratif qui aide les personnes LGBTQI à trouver un refuge contre la violence et la persécution. 

Pour clôturer l'année, Rainbow Railroad a pour objectif de récolter 600 000 dollars, ce qui lui permettra de mettre 60 autres personnes à l'abri du danger.

L'organisme a des bureaux à New-York et à Toronto. Il est reconnu au Canada comme organisme de charité.

Rainbow Railroad sauve la vie de personnes LGBTQI en danger dans les pays homophobes. Participons à leur campagne !


I wanted to send you a quick note to mark the occasion of Human Rights Day.

On this day in 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations. This was an especially ambitious document that proclaimed the inalienable rights which everyone is entitled to as a human being. In the aftermath of the Second World War, and its particular horrors, the Declaration represented the hopes of a generation who wanted to build a better world.

Today, and every day, Rainbow Railroad strives to build that better world for LGBTQI people within this framework of human rights. And much like the way in which the drafting of the Declaration was fundamentally collaborative, so is the work of Rainbow Railroad around the world. It’s no stretch to say that without our partnerships with global human rights defenders, our work of moving LGBTQI people to safer countries would simply not be possible. 

Back in March 2020, we received word of a troubling human rights abuse taking place in Uganda, requiring us to act swiftly with partners on the ground. Check out this video summary of how we worked in partnership with Sexual Minorities Uganda to fight this abuse.

WATCH: Rainbow Railroad defends human rights in partnership with Sexual Minorities Uganda.

Our work in this case, and for so many cases around the world, is not done. And that work is only possible with your support.

As we move towards the end of our #60in60 giving campaign, we ask you, on this momentous occasion, to join us in our effort to continue fighting for the human rights of LGBTQI people globally.  


Winnie Luk

Winnie Luk 
Managing Director

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401 Richmond St W, Suite 360
TorontoON M5V 3A8

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