Welcome to the Lesbian Mothers Association!

Association des lesbiennes et des gais sur Internet
Association of Lesbians and Gays on the Internet
Press release -- Montréal, december 25, 2000

Version française: http://www.algi.qc.ca/forum/algi-presse/messages/35.html

Providing support for lesbian mothers and their families...

It is with much pleasure that the Association of Lesbians and Gays on the Internet (ALGI) announce the inauguration of a new web site for the Lesbian Mothers Association of Montreal (LMA).

As you will see at their site, the LMA is
a biligual group of lesbian mothers (and mama-wannabes) that is dedicated to providing support, information, resources and, most of all, fun to alternative families.

With the arrival of the LMA into ALGI's fold, gay and lesbian parenting is more than ever breaking out of its isolation. With the Gay Fathers Association of Montreal, as well as the Gay and Lesbian Parenting Group of Quebec city, the LMA provides many lesbians (both within and outside of Montreal) as well as their children, a unique place to participate in a diversity of activities including: guest speakers, discussion groups, social activities, etc. The association also promotes links with gays and lesbians who don't have kids but are interested in having children in their lives.

The LMA web-site provides an impressive list of resources: books, videos, contact people and organizations. It's an indisputable resource for the lesbian community as well as anyone who is interested in alternative parenting.

We warmly invite you to visit the LMA web-site!


For information
ALGI: info@algi.qc.ca
AML: monicole@citenet.net

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